Beach huts for hire

Whitstable, Kent

Displayed below are the beach huts that are currently available for hire and rent in Whitstable, Kent.

Location / Resort

Whitstable, Kent

Tankerton West 45

Whitstable, Kent

Opening directly onto the beach and promenade, our beautiful family hut provides the ideal place for a wonderful sea break.

The hut is flooded with natural light and offers unhindered views out to the beach, to the sea and to the glorious sunsets at the end of a perfect day!


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Whitstable, Kent


Whitstable, Kent

Our beach hut is home away from home. It is in the back row of the Tankerton slopes, making it a peaceful escape with views of the beautiful sea and sunset. It has 4 chairs and facilities for teas, coffees and washing up. Newly re-decorated, it has a lovely feel to it.


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Whitstable, Kent


Whitstable, Kent

A fabulous front row beach hut with uninterrupted panoramic views of Tankerton Bay, Whitstable and beyond, in the dog friendly area of the beach.


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Whitstable, Kent

The Beach Hut

Whitstable, Kent

A lovely, well equipped, front row beach hut on Tankerton's award winning Blue Flag Beach. Approximate postcode; CT5 2LQ

The beach hut is down the slope, on the front row near the Tankerton Sailing Club


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Whitstable, Kent

105 Tankerton West

Whitstable, Kent

Hut in very good condition. Large decking with good views over the beach and sea. Space to the side also to sit. There is a gate on the hut which makes is dog and child friendly. There is easy access.


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